Ecco la traduzione (Google Translate) di un articolo (L’America LAtina d’Europa) apparso oggi sul quotidiano greco H KATHIMERINI a firma Costas Kallitsos, che cita il mio post su ______________________________ La recessione iniziata negli Stati Uniti nel 2007, un anno prima della zona euro (2008). L’economia degli Stati Uniti ha iniziato a recuperare nel 2009, […]

Europe et Crise del L’Euro

This summer I took part in the ” Rencontres Économiques d’Aix-en-Provence 2012″ , a one week-full-immersion event full of panels and discussions organized by the French “Cercle des Economistes” , featuring important  policy-makers (Moscovici, Trichet, Monti, Giscard D’Estaing) and economists (Roubini, Aghion, and many others) . I took part in Session 4 on “Europe et […]

A Pessimistic Note on the Euro

On February 7, I gave a talk a the Conference “America: Still A European Power?” in Bologna jontly organized by Johns Hopkins University-SAIS and Bologna University. (a more elaborate version of this post was later posted on voxeu e linkiesta ) The title of my presentation was “Why and How the US and the EU […]

Quello che Draghi non dice

Interessante il discorso di Draghi alla Bocconi. La narrativa della crisi è più o meno la seguente. Durante gli anni scorsi i mercati hanno sottovalutato le conseguenze di politiche economiche  irresponsabili (politiche di bilancio in Grecia, Italia, credito in Spagna e Irlanda) e di  mancanza di riforme strutturali (Grecia , Portogallo, Italia), ma ora che […]

A Mail from from China

Today I riceived the mail below from a Chinese student. I guess it’s quite representative of how they view us there ——————————————————————- Hello!       My name is Henry. I am a senior student from Jinan university of Shandong province in China. Specialized in economics and admire your talent in economics very much. In summer vocation, […]

Time for International Monetary Coordination

(forthcoming on Many observers of the European Sovereign debt saga had long realized that the ECB was the only European institution up to the task of avoiding a breakup of the Euro, as all newly forged institutions, the ESFS/ESM, were at the same time ill designed and inadequately funded. However, by indulging in sharp […]

A Spread Fixing Scheme: Monti’s Pyrrhic Victory?

from Together with Mario Balotelli, Mario Monti was heralded in Italy for bashing Germany at the recent EU Summit. In the latter case, the satisfaction stemmed for achieving an explicit mandate for the EFSF/ESM to “stabilize” yields differentials by intervening in the primary and secondary market. Yet , as in the case of Italy’s ephemeral […]

Contagion? What Contagion?

The Greek bankruptcy (happened already with the debt restructuring), the ungovernability of the country sanctioned by the polls, and the prospect of exit from the Euro, evoke the specter of “contagion”. The fear shaking markets, governments as well as depositors, is that the precipitation of the Greek crisis will cause a crack on a continental […]

L’Euro e la Pizza di Fango del Camerun

Ho partecipato ieri ad una trasmissione (SkyTg24) il cui tema era il il decennale dell’introduzione dell’Euro. Che naturalmente aveva tutte le colpe del mondo. Ecco quattro delle sciocchezze più diffuse, emerse anche nella trasmissione (alle quali rispondo qui, non essendo riuscito a farlo li) per colpa dell’euro sono aumentati i prezzi.Ehi, i prezzi cambiano se […]