On February 7, I gave a talk a the Conference “America: Still A European Power?” in Bologna jontly organized by Johns Hopkins University-SAIS and Bologna University. (a more elaborate version of this post was later posted on voxeu e linkiesta ) The title of my presentation was “Why and How the US and the EU […]
excessive deficit procedure
Investors jump ship as Europe faces perfect storm (Interview with F Canepa, S&P)
After two volatile weeks, European bourses are back to the depressed levels recorded before the approval of an international aid package for Greece. Measures taken by the EU-IMF to rescue the Mediterranean country have failed to reassure investors. Moreworryingly still, the crisis exposed a lack of cohesion among European countries. As more clouds gather on […]
Identikit di un Fondo per L’Europa
L’Europa ha bisogno di un Fondo Monetario Europeo? E con quali caratteristiche?1 Per rispondere a questa domanda è indispensabile chiarire due questioni: a) cosa non funziona nel sistema di correttivi previsti per assicurare la disciplina di bilancio dell’Eurozona b) Come vanno riformate le istituzioni europee per raggiungere quest’obiettivo. Le cose che non funzionano sono principalmente […]