Nice graph from on rather bizarre policy rate adjustments….
What’s wrong with Europe?
by Paolo Manasse and Isabella Rota Baldini The US and Europe; a tale of two cities: while the economic recovery is well underway in the United States, with growth back to 2.5 percent and falling unemployment, the Eurozone economy is struggling to recover. Why? We argue in this paper that the major differences between the […]
Regole e Discrezionalità nella Politica Monetaria
Nella Foto: Mi sto recando verso l’Aula del Seminario Sono stato invitato alle Giornate di Noise from Amerika 4-6 Giugno in corso a Camaldoli per parlare sul tema “Un confronto internazionale nella conduzione della politica monetaria: discretion versus rules” (qui il programma), insieme a Roberto Piazza, Alberto Bisin e Michele Boldrin. Le diapositive del mio […]
A Pessimistic Note on the Euro
On February 7, I gave a talk a the Conference “America: Still A European Power?” in Bologna jontly organized by Johns Hopkins University-SAIS and Bologna University. (a more elaborate version of this post was later posted on voxeu e linkiesta ) The title of my presentation was “Why and How the US and the EU […]
Condizionalità e Invidia
Intervista a VLoganzaTV con Luciano GIovannettisu Il Fatto Quotidiano