The EU Fiscal Framework: The Proof of the Pudding

I have been invited to participate to a round table organized by Bruegel , the Brussels based think-tank, assessing the Fiscal framework in the Eurozone in the present crisis (the complete program is here). In brief, I made the following four points (slides are here). 1) Since 2009 there was an unprecedented fiscal consolidation in […]

What’s wrong with Europe?

by Paolo Manasse and Isabella Rota Baldini The US and Europe; a tale of two cities: while the economic recovery is well underway in the United States, with growth back to 2.5 percent and falling unemployment, the Eurozone economy is struggling to recover. Why? We argue in this paper that the major differences between the […]

Il Fiscal Compact e le Elezioni in Europa.

Figura 1 Figura 2 Il recente (bell’) articolo di Francesco Daveri su sostiene due principali tesi. La prima è che le recenti elezioni in Europa mostrano una tratto comune: la rivolta di ampi settori dell’elettorato, soprattutto in Francia, Grecia, ma anche alle amministrative italiane e tedesche,  contro la (auto) condanna all’austerità permanente voluta dalla […]