Berlusconi: Will his fall bring down or save the Euro?

(forthcoming in Foreign Affairs) Since the onslaught of the 2008 financial crisis, many economists had been forewarning the EU nightmare scenario now unfolding: a slow but inescapable domino effect as the economies of Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, and Italy (the PIGS, or PIIGS for the Italy-pessimists) collapsed. Yet most observers got the ordering wrong: the […]

Berlusconi: What’s Next?

Berlusconi: What’s Next? Mr. Berlusconi failed to reach the majority of 316 votes in the House of Deputies, stopping at 308, while the Final Report on the 2010 Budget was approved thanks to the abstention of the opposition. These are in my opinion, the most likely scenarios. Berlusconi, after the meeting with President Napolitano, insists […]

Family Business

It seems to me quite revealing that the traditional “family reunion” at Berlusconi’s on Monday, usually dedicated to the family as well to the health status of the family business, saw the participation, in addition to Marina and Piersilvio Berlusconi, of the chairman of Mediaset, Mr Confalonieri, of Mr Ermolli, a financial consultant, and of Mr Ghidini, […]