Family Business

It seems to me quite revealing that the traditional “family reunion” at Berlusconi’s on Monday, usually dedicated to the family as well to the health status of the family business, saw the participation, in addition to Marina and Piersilvio Berlusconi, of the chairman of Mediaset, Mr Confalonieri, of Mr Ermolli, a financial consultant, and of Mr Ghidini, the personal lawyer/defendant of the Prime Minister and Member of Parliament. According to the Sole24ore , the family reunion discussed the political situation, the opportunity of the Premier’s resignations, the possible consequences on Mediaset fiancial health, and, arguably, on the ongoing trials. The news highlights the obscure disease of Berlusconi era: the lack of separation between private interests (family, business, trials) and public interest. Although presumably not for long, L’Etat c’est (ancore) lui