L’agenda di Mario Draghi

E ‘interessante notare che nella sintesi della conferenza stampa di ieri, Mario Draghi non solo spiegato le ragioni per abbassare i tassi di riferimento della BCE di un quarto di punto (crescita in rallentamento), ma ha esplicitamente ribadito l’agenda di politica economica della BCE: risanamento di bilancio, riforme strutturali, particolarmente  nei mercati del lavoro e dei beni, concorrenza nei servizi, liberalizzazioni nelle professioni e la privatizzazione dei  servizi pubblici.  Mi domando a chi stesse parlando ..

…Turning to
fiscal policies, all euro area governments need to show
their inflexible determination to fully honour their own individual
sovereign signature as a key element in ensuring financial stability in
the euro area as a whole.

It is crucial that fiscal consolidation and
structural reforms go hand in hand to strengthen
confidence, growth prospects and job creation. The Governing Council
therefore calls upon all euro area governments to accelerate, urgently,
the implementation of substantial and comprehensive structural reforms. … In this respect, labour market reforms are
essential and should focus on measures to remove rigidities and to
enhance wage flexibility.. More generally, in these
demanding times, moderation is of the essence in terms of both profit
margins and wages. These measures should be accompanied by structural
reforms that increase competition in product markets, particularly in
services – including the liberalisation of closed professions – and,
where appropriate, the privatisation of services currently provided by
the public sector…